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An information source and photo gallery created to aid in the return of 

Japanese-borne personal items washed away by the 2011 tsunami disaster  



The incredible destruction and loss created by the Tsunami after the 2011 Great East Earthquake in Japan still lingers.

For those who lost everything, a returned belonging from the past can bring great joy, hope and promise for the future. Through a collaborative effort, these pages will keep hope alive by endeavoring to return Japan's treasured items as they find their way across the Pacific.


Middleton Island, AK tsunami debris
Middleton Island, AK tsunami debris
Middleton Island, AK tsunami debris
Middleton Island, AK tsunami debris
Middleton Island, AK tsunami debris
Middleton Island, AK tsunami debris
Middleton Island, AK tsunami debris
Middleton Island, AK tsunami debris
Middleton Island, AK tsunami debris
Middleton Island, AK tsunami debris
Montague Island, AK tsunami debris
Kayak Island, AK tsunami debris
Kayak Island, AK tsunami debris

 Tsunami Debris

tsunami debris return
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